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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  January 15, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> emergency landings cancel flights now grounded fleets. tonight at 9:00 safety concerns over a plane many see as the future of commercial aviation. >> also tonight. oakland take as controversial step towards solving its violent crime problem. >> 4 county gun buy-back proves so popular it runs out of money in less than an hour. >> facebook big reveal. it's already affecting other bay area companies. >> also hear breaking news about the teamed kid inspecting about the teamed kid inspecting of 2-year-old in
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you. >> good evening i'm dan ashley. breaking news in san jose.
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miss say man tried to take a two-year-old girl right out of her mother's arms. this happened tonight on die 0kawrt. little girl with her family in front of a house. man walked up and made some kind of weird comment. spooked the mother. mom pick up her daughter and the man grabbed the girl's legs trying to pull her away. he did in the succeed thankfully. prison describe hill as hispanic adult male between 20 and 30 years old. wearing red baseball hat blue jean and light shirt with yellow stripe stripes. mother also said he smelled like automotive oil. san jose police are canvassing the area in an attempt to locate this guy or at least perhaps some witnesses will stay on top of it. this develop story. >> vote expected tonight could bring one of the nation top cops to help reign in the violence on the streets of oakland. city council will have to spend 250,000 dollars to bring in william brat as crime fighting consultant. he was police chief in los angeles and new york both. he's credit
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wtd bringing down crime in both cities. now many of tonight council meeting oppose hiring brat because he supports the controversial practice called stop and frisk. that's where police frisk and question suspects they think are suspicious. now if approved by the city council brat would begin working for the city on february tenth. >> in the men time early today city council committee agreed to payal mead doesn't put sheriff's deputy on the street of oakland medley. oakland currently faces a short among of police officers. bigger boost will come from an extra police academy class starting in june. >> we haven't had an academy entry level academy in four years. when that class graduates on march 22nd i hope you can be there first time in 5 years we held police academy. that's step in the right direction but we need more than that. >> time vote on the proposal would come next week on january 22nd. >> and am bish maws written county gun buy-back program paragraphs so successful it ran out of money after the first
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couple of hours. those who turned in guns after that got vouchers instead of cash. now officials are rifling through the budget to keep the program going. mr. now from 7 news reporter mark matthews. >> people lane up to trade their guns for 200 dollars. >> i brought an old, old assault rifle that is about 25 years old. >> i brought an ak. >> it was a 22 rifle and just been sitting around for years and years. >> it's a little.22 revolver. i found it when my mother pwlomingings when she died about 30 years ago. >> in san rafael the collection included sawed off shotgun and more assault rifles that are illegal in california. >> more of a hassle to have it than it is to get rid of it. >> police sheriff's deputy didn't ask question about the guns just handed over the money glad to get the weapons out of circulation. >> any weapon we do take in nothing to be said that old lady whose house burglarize next week that it is stolen and
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not used in a crime. next to or next year or using against a police officer or whatever. any weapon we get we are happy to take the. >> problem with buy-back program there was not enough money. county handed out 43,000 dollars in less than 3 hours. then they began handing out vouchers. >> and those vouchers we will attempt to do some add until fundraising over the next 30 days or so. if we can raised a national funds we will through the public media get that information out and people can come in with their vouchers and we will honor this is vouchers. >> at the larkspur police department some gun owner were his not happy about getting a voucher instead of cash. >> i wait entered line for 2 hours. when i got to the front of the line they told me all they were giving out were vouchers. no more cash. >> i can tell you with the fund we started with this morning we ran out within an hour, hour and a half. and it's going to be a consistent dry. it's
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something they have to plan for and reach out to their pwaeshing. >> they are going to good to the backer and district attorney said he will try and raise more money over the next 30 days. if you would like to contribute to the marin county gun buy-back program which includes guns coming from san francisco and contra costa county and marin county, you can find the information on our web site at abc 7 see it on tv we have a link to it and it will take about 30 days for them to raise the cash but next monday martin luther king jr. birthday they are going to have another buy-back program. they will be handing out vouchers instead of cash but they are hoping for another big turn out. reporting from police headquarters here in novato. abc 7 news. >> tomorrow president obama will propose new federal assault weapon ban and background check of all gun buyers. mean while today new york state voted in the nation toughest gun restrictions. governor cuomo signed the bill. out law military style weapon.
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restrict ammunition magazine to 7 rounds. and requires background check to buy bullet. another provision requires mental health professionals to tell state authorities if a patient threatens to use a gun illegally. >> develop nuts tonight. japan 2 largely east airline grounded the flight of boeing 787 dream liner. after the latest safety scare led to emergency evacuation. happened today in western japan after cockpit message showed battery problem problems. this is the lateness strength of issues for boeing newest and most tech logically advanced plane. the decision to ground the fleet is affecting flights at san jose international. 787 scheduled the leaf tokyo tonight for san jose is cancelled. along with tom return flight obviously. u.s. government is conducting rae view. though it has reassured the public that the dream liner is safe to fly despite these problems. >> talk hi tech for a moment. today face back declared war on google. unveiling new search
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engine. so what will it do that is new in our lives. here's david wright. >>reporter: today facebook is getting even more personal with search engine taylor made for you. >> so this is really neat stuff. this is one of the coo coolest things that i think that we have done in a while. >>reporter: google searches everything open the public web facebook has quietly built autopsy huge database. people voluntarily sharing their like and dislike. 1 bill people sharing 240 bill photo with trillion connections between people. data you could browse before. one page at a time. now you can search it by 4 main categories. people photo places and interest. instead of searching the web for a movie you can instantly survey your friends about whether they like a movie. not just your friends you can search. >>, let's say, i'm looking for new restaurant. >> product manager kate showed us how facebook search is different from a traditional
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web search. >> would what i care about is places restaurants in los angeles that people from los angeles go to. >> i can say fears hand it's a good spot. >> that's great to err had a. >> company officials insist the new search to will respect people privilege situation. accesses only information people want to share publicly. one thing for sure, it will mane new ways for millions to waste time. menlo park. >> stock 8 and a half percent after facebook nounlts. it eventually closed down just over 6 percent today. investors apparently worried about that facebook new search that it competes directly with yelp. oneless note about facebook. it lost 1.4 million users since early sdes decembe december. 1 billion people it worldwide this drop in active users is lick losing more than the population of san jose and oakland. one expert said facebook may get to a point whether folks don't use it every 30 days or so. ichltd business note about local
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company san jose base pay pal getting in the atm business. has a deal with retail check out firm ncr to get the service available in restaurants. gas stations and retail outlets as well. >> much more ahead tonight at 9:00. spike in neighborhood crime and is it connected to efforts to reduce overcrowding in the state prison system. we have that story. >> plus taking the bait. why one city wants to plant fake pill bottles inside drug store stores. you will see what that's about. >> first major san francisco event that could test out proposed ban on smoking at festivals even. spencer here with the weather. >> accu-weather forecast center with good news. the end of freeze warnings and frost advisory for now. my accu-weather forecast is come up. >> thanks. also stunning health news tonight. can children actually grow out of children actually grow out of autism? well, well, well.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. hamburger helper can help you back. and with box tops for education on every box, it helps you help your school. so you're doing good, just by making dinner. hamburger helper. available at walmart. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth
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mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >> we need to report the death of police officer shot and killed in sacramento continue. officer kevin tongue was killed by suspected burglar. 35-year-old canine officer had been with the force since 2 thousandths 9. before that he was a firefighters and medic. he was respond to go burglary in the city of galt near stock
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top. confronted suspicious person. man resisted pulled a gun and shot the officer. he then turnede gun on him 7. shooting comes less than two months after animal control officer was shot and killed also in galt. >> the tight state bump it could be leading to an increase in crime. it has to do with court order to ease prison over crowding in california. we explain the connection tonight from sacramento. >> i watch out all the time. carol morgan and her dog have been keeping an eye on their neighborhood lately. there has been a rash of break-ins. this one was broken into. garage. one on the corner. they broke if and took a lot of her stuff. >> california department of justice reports that will crime is down over all, property crime are on the rise. they went up 2.6 percent for 2011. but in the fourth quarter of this year alone after the state began shifting fromlow level criminals to the county jail under governor brown realignment plan the numbers spiked to 4 and half percent.
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so law enforcement believe there's a connection to parole and probation rules changed leaving many release criminals who already serve their time unsupervised on the outside. >> not only are they out. but there's no such tether on them. but it is absolutely predictable this is going to haichlt california department of correction said it's not fair to blame a rise in property crime just a resignment when only three months of data. plus county were given extra money to handle the case load. >> crime state wide especially violent crimes is going down. so if you are going to blame property crimes going up on alignment blame violent crime going down on resignment. >> the shave worries that criminals will graduate to more serious crimes. >> potential for homicide increase is very real. surprised if it doesn't happen. >>reporter: carol morgan doesn't know what to blame it on she knows her nice quiet neighborhood isn't the same. it's terrible. it is getting worse and worse. as opposed to
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whether it was before when i came here. 25 years ago. >> state crime statistics for 2012 should be out this fall. correction says that might give a better picture of resignment affect. if sacramento, abc 7 news. really incredible health news tonight. psychologist say chirp diagnose with autism at youngest age have now grown out of it. traditionally autism considered a permanent disorder with no cure. experts studied they are years ages 8 to 21. all had a relatively mild form of the condition keep in mind and slately higher iqp those with high functioning autism. all received intensive therapy and support. researchers funed by the national institute of mental health health say those children now currently show normal language face recognition, communication and social interaction and no symptoms of autism. further study obviously under way it is hoped that these findings could one day point the way to effective treatment for those with autism.
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>> news fit about women who get my greens. researchers say that those severe headaches are combined with flashing lights called aura and women may at higher risk for heart attack and stream if they suffer from that. scientist not sure why this is precisely. second study found that women who suffer from these migraines also use newer forms of birth control. they may have a greater risk of blood clots as well. >> new york police department wants pharmacy in the city to fight prescription drug testifies by stocking pill bottles fitd with gps tracking chips. pretty clever. there is untake in crime for prescription drug so police weren't to distribute gps bottle for pharmacist the hide on their shelf with legitimate supply of prescription drug. that way if there is a robbery or burglary police would be able to track what they took. >> health note before we mav o on. san francisco board of supervisors vote dad to ban smoking at out door festival and parades. block parties
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would in the be subject to the smoking ban. 0upon the say police with in the be patrolling if he is also have for violators but depend on peer pressure and if the ban gets final approval it could take effect in time for the chinese new year parade in february. sometimes festival it's not cigarettes this people seem to be smoking. >> that's true. >> spencer is here. it has been so cold for a week or so but it's easing. >> 7 consecutive day of frost advisory to the an end. >> 7 consecutive. >> whole week of it. things moderating just a tad. live view from our high definite negligence east bay camera in emeryville. clear skies. few high thin clouds but they are cloud free right now as you can see on live doppler 7 h did have. move along to our current temperature. it is dropping into the low 30's in some spots already. 32 degrees right now in fairfield. 35 at
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concord and nap a.36 at santa rose and novato. another chilly night but not quite so cold as what we have seen the last several nights. cold snap is easing tonit. we sea sunny mild weather tomorrow and then we have milder days right on into next week which is welcome relief to those shivering for about a week. we'll shiver a little bit moreover nature tonight and early tomorrow morning. low pressure will drop to about 30 in napa. 31 santa rosa and concord. 30 vallejo and livermore 32 antioch. 28 at fairfield. but generally we won't see low temperature dropping that the 20s without exception. coldest readings will be around 30 to 32 agrees. pacific satellite image shows high pressure building rate now to take control of our weather deflecting the jet stream well to the north so weather disturbance headed our way. clear sky continuing and we have milder afternoon starting tomorrow with temperatures rising up that the mid 60's by the end of the week. look at tomorrow projected high pressure under sunny skies in
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the south bay we see high of 59 santa clara and san jose 60 at campbell and saratoga. on the peninsula lack for high of 57 at san mateo o. 59 redd with city and menlo park 60's at palo alto and mountain view. on the coast mid 50's. and pacifica and a half moon bay downtown san francisco will see high pressure rising up to 57 tomorrow. 55 in the sun set district. north bay we see upper 50's around 60. 59 degrees at calistoga tomorrow. 57 in napa sonoma. 60 santa rosa and 61 at clover dale. east bay high pressure will get up to about 59 at oakland. castro valley union city fay hayward. 60 at fremont and the than land east bay a little bit cooler than that but still milder than it was today. high of 58 at danville walnut creek 57 at concord dublin and pleasanton and down near monterey bay high at 60 at santa cruz and 62 at salinas and only 59 inland and morgan hill and gilroy. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. it is going to get mailed and
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stay mild for awhile. by friday well see inland high in the low 60's around the bay mid 60's and 60 on the coast that pattern will hold right on through the weekend and into early next week. mainly sunny skies just very few clouds around. perhaps by next tuesday no hint of rain. certainly no hint for awhile of temperatures plummeting below freezing again. >> this is nice stretch of day after the rain we had a couple week ago then the cold. >> this is welcome relief. >> thanks spencer very much. >> nra reless controversial video. tonight why the gun group is calling the president elitist. stay with us. 7 news at 9 continues here if just a at 9 continues here if just a moment
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>> over seas for a moment.
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major escalation in the snrils sir yeah. 83 people keyed and 2 explosions inside the campus of the main university in northern city of low pressure. 120 others injured. some critically. these happened as students were taking exams. there are reports that the blast were caused by aircraft missiles or bombs. rebel say the president assad forces kird out the attack but government claim rebel for firing the rocket. >> back here national rifle association released new video calling president obama an elitist hypocrite because the president is skeptical about installing armed guards in school yet he has secret service protection for his daughters at their school. here's the clip. >> are the president kid more important than yours? then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools? mr. obama deman the wealthy pay
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their fair share of taxes but he's just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to fair shir of security. protection for their kids. and gun 43 zone for ours. >> experts say the provocative attack ad shows how emotionally charged and personal the debate of gun control is becoming. no comment on this from the white house tonight. >> mean time national rifle association is experience ago big spike in membership. more than 250,000 people have signed up in the last month. group says people are scared by new legislation restricting firearms. that may true but since december the nra is offering big discounts to john. life time membership usually cost 1,000 dollars. it's now 300. year worth typically runs 35. it's now just 20 dollars. >> still ahead tonight on abc 7 news at 9. san jose state big first step toward overhaul of college as we know it. find out how california trying to make higher education more
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affordable. that's not the right clip but you get the idea. >> eviction day at peninsula her borrow. appears the sheriff may have to be called in if the owner of these boats refuse to move out. >> plus about what has 56 vertebra is 30 feat happening and has hay school students going ooh. whale of a story on how it got to washington high. >>reporter: stay tune for. that san francisco international may undergo a international may undergo a name chaníáf-
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>> there is a new proposal to change the name of san francisco international airport to honor fay rights pioneer
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harvey milkment voters in san francisco could have the final call on this. story tonight from abc 7 news reporter heather. >>reporter: supervisor milk was the first openly gay politician if california. now he could be the first gay person to have an airport named in his honor. >> this is the time when the city like san francisco can make a statement and recognize the contributions of very important figure in history, milk. >> ease most important figure in the history of the gay community and this would be a terrific honor. >>reporter: state assemblyman and former supervisor tom was a teacher when he worked on milk election xaichbility he thinks even after 35 years even in liberal san francisco, the idea will not be without controversy. >> my advice to the supervisor was fasten your feet belt we are in for a bumpy flight. >>reporter: airport commission would have to go along if the measure pass about his you commissioners want a thorough analysis of other possible name
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sake and cost analysis. he thinks private funding could could have it but agreeing on the change comes first. >> there are 40 million people that fly in and out of san francisco enter until airport every year. 9 million of them from other countries. in the idea is millions of people get to learn about harvey milk and what he represented. something that is very significant. >>reporter: he may have to start wed indicating san francisco younger voters. >> no. no. >>reporter: why not. >> it's san francisco. i don't get why they are putting that there. >>reporter: do you know who harvey milk is. >> no. >>reporter: he estimates the name change would cost about 50,000 dollars. he would hope to get that through private funding but san jose tells us that their name change cost more like 900,000 dollars. at sfo heather, abc 7 news. >> east bay family cat is home tonight after it was shot with
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an arrow. we want to western you the pictures may disturb to go some of you. kfc 5-year-old tom cat hit with a 22 inch arrow while roaming the family rural property in contra costa county. family found him injured yesterday. they rushed him to the vet where he underwent emergency surgery. the vet says he was in good shape actually considering that an arrow went writ through his body. >> didn't hit vital organize and and he was very, very lucky didn't hit the spine or chest cavity. >>reporter: cocoa animal services took row as evidence. if they can track down whoever shot it and proof intent, that person could face an animal cruelty charge. >> at midnight tonight app old peninsula landmark will be gon gone. pete harbor in redwood city. boat owners ordered to leave but some plan on defying the order. more tonight from vick lee. pishtion about tenant from the rv lot said
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their goodbye. live aboard boat owners set sail. lease expire at midnight tonight. after 60 years pete harbor will close to make which for a luxury residential complex. boat slips will only be available to the new tenants. pete's widow paula is settle 11 acre property to the developers. >> change is hard for people but it's time. and we hope that new beginnings open up new chapter in other people lives. >>reporter: for many of the live aboard ending old chapter is difficult. >> this has been a safe, wonderful place to live. that's provided beauty to so many people. >>reporter: she and her husband have lived here aboard their 37 foot sailboat for a couple of years. they are preparing to leave. most tenant have already left. yellow tape mark the empty slips. only about 20 boats are still left. out of nearly 90 which were moored near august. many need repair and are unable to push off. others say they
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will stay until all their legal options are exhausted. there are 2 harbor on the property. this family owns the inner harbor and adjacent rv lot. they least outer harbor that faces the slough from the stat state. defiant boat owners fight the developer plan to privatize the outer harbor which is new open to public berting where paul's boat is moored e.we don't have any problems with the owner developing the property on the upland or inner harbor but this land belonged to the state of california. >>reporter: what happens after midnight dead lane. >> with to have use the legal proceeding available to us. unlawful days takener process to resolve those. >>reporter: one thing certain. at the end of the day an old redwood city lapped mark will be g.o.p. spokesman for the family says there are about 7 boat owner who have asked special permission to stay here beyond the dead line and
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spokesman says their request are being considered. now there's still hope for remaining boat owns here. the redwood city city council will hear their appeal at the ep of the m and also the lawyer for these boat owner have also filed a lawsuit challenging the eviction is. vick le, abc 7 news. >> news about higher education. region strition started today for on line courses that some say could be a game changer in higher education. corrina has the story from san jose state university. >>reporter: she was on hand for official announcement. goal is to increase access to hire education and russian cost. san jose state partner with the silicon valley start up. program kicks off with 3 options. 2 math and one statistics class. each cost 150 dollar. governor says on line education is a key component in solving the state education crisis. >> it's an experiment. we are
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going we'll learn together. that's why i think we'll succeed. if we stumble, we'll stand up and try something else but will keep going. >>reporter: class size limited to 100 students. with half of the seats reserved for high school and community college students as well as veteran. on lane course again at the end of the month and ceo says other states are already expressing an interest. in san jose, corrina abc 7 news. >> some big news tonight about wal-mart. company says it will hire every returning military veteran that wants a i don't know with the company. the only stipulation is that the veteran has to have been honorably discharged from the military in the last year. wal-mart expects more than 10 100,000 people to find work through this program making it one of the largest hiring commitment for veterans ever. unemployment writ for veterans is at about 11 percent. now wal-mart also announced today plans to create jobs in americ america. world largely east retailer says it will buy additional 50 billion dollars
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in u.s. products over the next decade. walt today's any company is helping veterans find jobs. program hero work here provide job career opportunities for returning service members over the next three years. for more information good to our web site and look under see it on tv. disney of course owns abc 7 news we should tell you. >> still ahead tonight. you are looking at one manen count we are a large fish. i'll explain what happened. >> former giants slugger barry you can't move the tv there.
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yuh-huh. we have the wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. at&t.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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ill. >> thanks to device size of 9 volt battery biologist learn what killer whales could during the winter. temporary
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transmitter to 21-year-old male orca named hooter. he sprinted more than 1,000 miles from the seattle area to point reyes and reversing course to cress ept city. the path on the map. whale traveling with other members of his group. now sin activist new the pod spend the summer in puget sound and monterey during the winter but they guest whales go near these islands now they know the point is important. they are russ in the surwhy exactly. scientist say the latest information could lead to designating new critical habitat areas for these animals. in the mean time whale skeleton made for biology class high schoolers won't soon forget. education reporter lee ann has the story. >> most of views read the classic novel moneyy dick. description of the whale but few have sean and touch the real thing. granted moneyy
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dick a what it sperm whale. this is gray. smaller. nonetheless it's a chance for students at washington high in san francisco to get up close and personal. >> put it on a table. and that's what i like to see you doing the don't be afriday of touching. >>reporter: the whale owner whoen kurnls students to explore by touching it. unlike most museum. >> i would rather this last 10 years and reach 20,000 kids than last 200 year years and the only interaction is to see it far away. >>reporter: gray whale washed up at state beach in august 2011. with blessing of the national marine fishery service he allowed the sun bug bird to have their way with the 30 if the listening mammal. >> when we wept down it was pretty much skin and bone. it was lick cutting a carpet then pulling the carpet back and. >>reporter: he soaked the whale 56 vertebra in water along with 26 ribs and the
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skull. that's the blow hole by the way. few realize the flip versus bones too. >> the hand thing was interesting. i this the it was lake something flat. not have any bones in it but pretty awe soil. it looks heavy but. >> it is not that bad. the only super heavy bone is the skull. >> i thought it would be heavier. i thought it welcome back harder to pick up and i thought it would be like-kind of like, i don't know like more fran ill than it is. >> they just filter the water. also shrimp out of the world trade center as opposed to the killer whale. >> children who are here at the mission district believes this kind of interaction gets students to become more curious about their world. >> we are the only people crazy enough to pack up a whale in a truck and take it around and let the kids themselves do i. >>reporter: next stop for the traveling whale? lincoln high. in san francisc
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francisco, lee ann, abc 7 news. >> while talking about things from the sea. fishing from a dock offers bit of safety compared toeep sea fishing at least one florida map thought. check this out. >> here comes one billy. oh, >> oh, my god. get off. baby. [ screaming]. >> wow! fish believed to be a tarp grabbed hold of fisherman. he drug weld the big fish for more than ty seconds before finally let go and fell back in the water. they are known to gets near dock because people often toss them food. they can grow up to 8 feet long. look at this. reynolds was fine. not sure if he will ever try that kind of fishing again. not often you see the person caught by the fish. >> goes without saying that you shouldn't steal anything but certainly not something you don't know how to drive. up next. joy ride that didn't go quite as plannedment stay with quite as plannedment stay with íáf-
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>> fairly simple answer behind gruesome discovery at chicago o'hare airport. 18 severed human heads were found inside a mysterious package. they appear to be medical sample from italy that were misplaced. even so custom lawchled an investigation into the whole thing because it's obviously a bit strange to say the least. >> crash investigators came upon this scene outside stockholm sweden. at first no idea why the commuter train crashed that the kitchen of a building. 5 people inside were asleep. just fine. turns out that female employee someone who cleans the trains started the train drove it a mile until it jumped the track and wedged into the building. she is seriously hurt as well as charge with endangering the
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public. no report as to why she stole the train. >> the call to surfer for the maverick invitation out very soon. organizers watch the waves and conditions are good enough at this point for the big wave surf contest to possibly run this coming sunday. decision is expected friday or early saturday to give contestant time to get into town. spectators not allowed near the cliff above maverick because of safety and environmental concerns. there were injuries during the 2010 contest when waves reached the beach and spent spectator off their feet. window runs until march 31 but conditions look good for 25 foot waves. speaking of conditions. update the forecast. spencer has thatth. >> all right dan conditions here are getting less cold than they have been in the last week or so. live doppler 7 hd clear 68 over the bay area right now. sky will remain clear not only here tomorrow but state wide. sunny sky with relatively cool
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conditions over the northern two-thirds of the state. high there in the 50's. but mild down south with high in the upper 60's and here in the bay area finally see high pressure here reaching at least the 60 degree mark if places like free mont, palo alto, santa cruz and santa rosa tomorrow. also clover dale high of 61 most other locations high in the 50's and here's accu-weather 7 day forecast milder trend continues rate on through the weekend and into next week starting on thursday look forward to high pressure in the low to mid 60's right on through the weekend and early next week. no hadn't of rain in sight and no hypothetical of any serious cool down for awhile. >> it is nice. >> thanks investment. >> how would you like to buy barryçó bonds home set you back 25 million. it's home in beverly park an area inside even more exclusive area of berle hills. said to have 7 bedrooms. 14 bathroom. also boast music room. theater. wine room. gym. spa. and elevator. don't forget the guest house at the pool obviously. bonds bought the house for 8.7 million in 2002.
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it upped wept significant wren 0vision. but bought it for 8. almost 9. now sell for 25. just lick in baseball. swinging for the fences. >> there you go. >> lacks like a hotel. >> it does. >> resort. >> looks like the clairemont actually. >> fantastic is that i wonder if i cap just lick buy the guest house. >> rent the room. >> well yes. that would be good to have around or maybe not. >> barry and i have had, we ge getal. collin has become overnight sensation for the rest of the nation. latest honor the cover of "sports honor the cover of "sports
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are e.coming up tonight at 11:00. rescue in the sierra. bay area man and sister found cold but alive after snowmobileing trip. we have that story. plus liberal pay more at this movie shop. can he really get away with that. joan us for 7 news at 11 over on channel 7 for those stories
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and more sports director larry is here getting closer to the game. big honor for collin. >> yes. >> one that makes people nervous. >> some people. i don't think he will worry about it. if you believe in the "sports illustrated"could have jinx don't look at. that keep it here. >> don't look at that. >> 49ers quarterback collin is featured after his record setting game against green bay. i know it's hard to keep staring. look at harbaugh. his face is really hilarious. a cut out photo. niners visit the falcons on sunday in the championship game with we knower going to the superbowl. mike has more. >> 49ers moving on. another nfc championship game for jim harbaugh. >> frainers haven't been to back to back nfc tailingts games since 1992 and went to 3 straight winning last superbowl in the 1994 season. last year loss to the giants gave this year team a feel for what it takes. >> we didn't really understand the magnitude of the moment and
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championship game like this each and every play. it's a roller coaster ride out there. we understand that. but we have to make sure in the moment we make the play we are supposed to make to get where we go. we thuns new. >> not everybody. collin was on the team but he didn't play. this game is the tough theest to win because it gets you into the superbowl. but teammate aren't worried claiming athletic ability will make up for inexperience. >> super fast. athletic. throw the ball. once he break it he's always lacking down field. once you take off he's faster than a lot of running back and lane backer pd doesn't really matter. he's incredible after let. >> counter with pretty good quarterback of their own who won big game as week against seattle. >> give them time with the receiver and the weather they have. have a field day. we have to really get out there. >> falcons hope to utilize the
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home field advantage. >> transition from out door and grass to indoor and turf. >> i don't know. we face a lot of team this year and we play some games. >> 49ers haven't won 3 straight games all season. they have to do just that to get to their sixth superbowl n.santa clara, abc 7 sports. >> travel to atlanta with the 9 investigators cover the game. report starts friday here on abc 7 news. >> former forty-niner head coach mike now the defensive coordinator for the atlanta falcons. drafted smith. had he willis and gore and big concern sunday has to be colli collin. he coach the niners for 3 and a half years with 18 and 37 before being fired in 2008. as for collin tonight mayor to defen. he has this rocket arm with laser like precision and one of the fas fastest on the field. no lap defense has tough time defen
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defending quarterback lake wilson here and collin poses lots of problems. >> more like newton probably than will sochbility he has great open field speed. probably as fast as any of the guys ins the open field. elusive lick the other guys but bigger target. outstanding job. different weapons around him. he uses weapons really well. game wrecker. he's a good player. >> i think coach nolan has identified the problem. no. 7. san diego chargers have hired new head coach and bay area connections. mike mccoy born in san francisco. went to school in novato taking over for turner. he won with tebow and manning. fix rivers and chargers now. george begun the third died today. he and his brothers shashingd the sharks expansion back


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